CHS Class of 1972

50-Year Reunion - Aug. 26 & 27!


Our 50th Reunon is coming up FAST!  Your Renion Committee has put together TWO fun events providing opportunities to reminisce about our Clarksville High School years ... while also making many NEW memories.



Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 - Social Gathering - Opens at 3:00 p.m.

UPSTAIRS at Strawberry Alley Ale Works

103 Strawberry Alley in Historic Downtown Clarksville (No Ticket Required)

CHS '72 Classmates have a private gathering time of 3 to 6 p.m.  Finger food will be provided at no cost (for as long as the food lasts).  You may also order food from a limited UPSTAIRS menu on your nickel!  A cash bar for beverages of your choice will be available.  Beginning at 6 p.m., "UPSTAIRS" opens to the public ... but you can stay as long as you like (until the 11 p.m. closing time)!   

PARKING:  There are a few spaces behind Strawberry Alley Ale Works (near corner of N. First St. and Main St.).  ALSO, you may park in any vacant spaces in the Montgomery County Government Parking Lot at N. Third St. and Main St. (two-block walk to UPSTAIRS at Strawberry Alley Ale Works).

PEDESTRIAN ACCESS:  See "Welcome Wildcats" sign on Franklin St. at RED DOOR and take the staircase to UPSTAIRS.  There is also an Elevator that is accessible via the Strawberry Alley Ale Works Restaurant Main Entrance.  The elevator is located just to the right of the Main Bar.



Saturday, Aug. 27, 2022 - The Main Event - 6:00-11:00 p.m.

The Madison Room (inside the City Forum Entertainment Complex)

2231 Madison Street (ML King Blvd. @ Madison Street (Advance Ticket Purchase Required - $60 per person)

You are in for an evening filled with fun, food and fellowshp with your  CHS '72 classmates in this spacious and attractive banquet facility.  Delicious Array of Heavy Hors D'oeuvres -- Iced Tea (sweet & unsweet) -- Coffee & Water -- 2 Cash Bar Stations -- "Throwback" Quizzes and Prizes -- Professional Photographer for Portraits of Couples and Small Groups -- DeeJay playing OUR Music with Ample Dance Floor!   We will be joined by a few of our CHS faculty members.  Because of the venue's Food Purchasing lead times, TICKETS must be purchased in advance ($60 per person) NO LATER THAN SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 2022.  To purchase your Ticket(s) please go to the MENU in the upper right corner of this website's HOME PAGE ... you will see a drop down MENU list ... and click on "TICKETS" to make your purchase.  No tickets will be sold at the door.  IMPORTANT: Be sure to print you ticket purchase receipt and bring it with you to this event!  

PARKING:  There are ample spaces in the City Forum Entertainment Complex parking lot .  Enter via the City Forum Main Doors.  Once inside, look for a "BOWL" sign; turn right at the "BOWL" sign and you will see the entry to The Madison Room.

PEDESTRIAN ACCESS:  You can enter the City Forum Building with zero grade, with no steps or ramps.


So You Will Be Kept Up-to-Date on All Reunion Plans and Details:  Please Register Your Classmate Profile on this website ASAP.  Simply go to the MENU button in upper right corner of this website, click "CLASSMATES" in the drop down MENU and fill in your information.  ALSO ... please let your Classmate friends know about this website.  We don't want to miss contacting any Classmates ... and we don't want you to miss out on sharing a memorable time with as many Classmates as possible.  As you can see BELOW ... the CLOCK is TICKING!


Clarksville High School Class of 1972 Reunion

August 27th, 2022

7:00pm EDT

2231 Madison Street,
Clarksville, TN, US, 37043