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Peter R. McCullough

Posted on the 2024-03-20 at 06:19
I remember... chemist Mr. Toma, "Scale? Scale?! (sniffs) I don't smell fish around here! THAT is a BALANCE!" ... hacking into the ADP main frame computer downtown... packing the entire cross country team into my (mom's) orange Toyota Tercel... two classmates (will not be named!) circling around in their convertible to take a second look at us cross country runners jogging one afternoon.

Lisa Piratzky

Posted on the 2024-01-31 at 17:38
My senior year, I had all the credits I needed to graduate. I failed German, which had no effect on my graduation. When the teacher called me aside and told me I had not passed and I would need to see the counselor to see if I had enough credits to graduate. I told her I didn't need her class to graduate and all I cared about was whether ___________, my crush at the time, would ever call me!

Steve Ennis

Posted on the 2023-11-21 at 13:27
During the 1st year of Baseball Practices we had to bring tools from home to help cut-out the grass in the base areas. That year we just made dirt circles around each base and left the grass in the running paths.

Steve Ennis

Posted on the 2023-11-21 at 13:19
Principle Batey riding the hallways in his Golf Cart as the newly built ADHS was too big to walk from his view.