Growing Up Gizzi(e) 2023 Pictures

We didn't forget those pictures of all our beautiful family!  So sorry for the delay in getting these up on the site.  There are now here for all to see and remember the fun day we all had.  We invite you all to please post your pictures on this site if you took any on that day.  We would  all love to see more!! To view the pictures go to the "menu" in the top right corner and click on the "photos".  Go to the bottom of the page and you will see the section for the reunion pictures.  If you have pictures you want to add at the bottom of the page you will see "upload" pictures, press that button and upload them.  If you are not familiar or are uncomfortable uploading please email us the pictures and we will put the on the site for you.  email to:  We want to see all your pictures!!!! Please take a minute to get them on the site. 

We had a great turn out and lots of laughs.  We had ideas on how to improve next time and have already started our meetings to plan the next reunion!  If you are interested in being on the planning committee please email us and we will be in touch with you, or if you are interested but not sure what it entails, email and we will let you know.  We have a lot of fun planning consider joining us!