
Support Our Family, Build Our Future


Family Scholarship Fundraiser
Supporting Our Family, One Member at a Time


As our family grows and evolves, we want every family member to have the opportunity to be part of this reunion, regardless of financial circumstances. The Family Scholarship Fund was created not only to help make our reunion accessible for all but also to support our youth as they step into new chapters of their lives. By contributing to this fund, you’re helping bring our family together while also investing in the future of our next generation.


Why Contribute?


Your support goes directly to helping family members who may face financial challenges attend the reunion and empowering our youth as they begin their college journeys. Together, we can make our reunion a true celebration of unity, love, and inclusivity while also showing our young family members that we’re here to uplift and encourage them.


What Does Your Donation Support?


Your contributions to the Family Scholarship Fund will help with:


Travel Assistance: Providing stipends for family members traveling long distances to be with us.
Lodging Support: Covering part or all of the accommodation costs for family members with limited means.


Youth and Senior Sponsorships: Special assistance for our youngest and oldest family members.

College Scholarship for Graduates: This scholarship offers a financial contribution to our youth graduating high school and moving on to college. It will help with initial expenses, providing a foundation for their journey into higher education.


How You Can Help?


We welcome donations of any size – every bit helps to make our reunion accessible and meaningful for all while also contributing to the educational aspirations of our young family members. Here’s how you can support:


Make a Direct Donation: Contribute any amount that feels meaningful to you.

Sponsor a Family Member or Scholarship: Consider sponsoring a specific family member’s attendance or donating toward a youth scholarship.


Purchase Fundraising Items: All proceeds from our T-shirts, hats, and family memorabilia go directly to the scholarship fund.

Honor a Loved One


If you’d like, you can donate in honor of a beloved family member who has passed, carrying on their legacy by helping a young family member pursue higher education or supporting a family member’s attendance at the reunion.


Together, We Make Our Family Stronger


Thank you for your generosity and support. By contributing to the Family Scholarship Fund, you’re helping to bring us all together for this reunion and paving the way for our youth to achieve their dreams. Let’s celebrate, honor, and uplift our family – united in spirit, love, and pride.