Hotel Information
Sonesta Redondo Beach

The Sonesta Redondo Beach & Marina is offering MiralesteFest guests the lowest rates we could find. Additionally, there are offering the room rate for up to 3 days prior and 3 days after the event for those who wish to make longer stay.
The rate is $255/night and we can book as many rooms based on availability until June. Please use the link below for booking and I would do this as soon as possible as once they are gone, you are on your own and this place is centrally located right in King Harbor by the Redondo Beach pier.
Guests will have until June 25th to book their hotel room using the link below.
Weblink MiralesteFest
Guests can also call 1-800-Sonesta (766-3782) and refer to the MiralesteFest or group code: G072525MFST

Terranea - Rancho Palos Verdes

The other hotel option is Terranea Resort which most know is located on the former Marineland site in RPV. This is the most popular hotel in the South Bay and they rarely offer deals as it is always booked and very popular.
We have been able to work out the best deal for this hotel as many like to come back and stay here when visiting the South Bay.
They have offered the room rate on various types of rooms and if you want to extend your stay, either before or after MiralesteFest I would call them and see what they can work out for you.
The guest rooms in the hotel are $456/night all inclusive, the 2 bedroom bungalows are $1290/night and the 2 bedroom casitas are $1351/night. This is substantially lower than any rate they offer to the general public and please use the following information to book here:
Below please find the booking options:
General Attendee:
Or contact our reservations department at (855) 441-2575 and reference the { MiralesteFest } Room Block. Any reservation agent will be able to assist.