Cassi's Cruisers Page
Cassi's Cruisers Page
Goal: $500
Goal: $500
$0.00 raised by 0 donors
$0.00 raised by 0 donors

Hi! Welcome to Cassi's Cruisers! For those of you that don't know, I have a rare bone condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. This bone condition makes my bones fragile. I have had this condition since birth, however was not officially diagnosed until the age of 15. I have undergone treatment of an infusion to help strengthen my bones as well as several surgeries to put rods in my long bones and other surgeries to improve my quality of life. When I was about 14 or 15 I attended a regional conference in Minneapolis, MN. That conference was how I was able to discover an amazing OI clinic at Omaha childrens. Omaha childrens is the place where I was able to get officially diagnosed as well as astablish a whole team of doctors and specialists that specialized in OI. This summer, my mom, boyfriend, and I have to opportunity to go to a National conference for others with the same disorder as I do! This conference allows me to meet others just like me. It also allows me to consult with all different specialists who have experience with OI. With that being said, I have created a team page called Cass's Cruisers to help me raise money. The money will go to the foundation to be able to have more conferences just like this one. It will also help fund research and ultimately to find a cure for our disorder. So, if you feel like you would like to donate and become part of the team I would greatly appreciate it!

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