Marleni Martin-Hernandez's Page
Marleni Martin-Hernandez's Page
Goal: $1000
Goal: $1000
Raised by 16 donors
Raised by 16 donors
Birth Date: 2006-03-21

With the support and proclamations made by the cities of Lakeport, Clearlake, and the County of Lake in recognition of National OI Awareness Week, Marleni and I are raising money to help support The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation thru the Walk N Wheel event. This event is held at the beginning of the National OI Conference which we will be attending in July in Omaha. Please help us raise money to support the research and resources for those living with OI. Thank you!

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Recent contributors

16 donations have been made to this participant.
Habematolel Pomo
Habematolel Pomo
Anita Aney
Hope Marcks
Uncle Anthony Arroyo
Nichole Humphrey
Angelina Arroyo
Crystal Arroyo
Robin Arroyo
Alan Hyden
Donna Carver
Jenni Ingram
Cynthia Forbes
Cynthia Forbes
Bryce Stone
Jenifare Martin

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