Remember the Senior Superlatives? (see photo)
The reunion committe thought it would be fun to do something similar 40 years later....but with more age-appropriate questions. We hope you will participate, but it's completely optional. We will share general statistics at the reunion.
Click on THIS LINK which is a simple Google form.
Over 90 of your classmates have already completed this form since we used this form to find people before the website was created. Your contact information will help us stay in touch with updates and assist in the NEXT reunion (50th?- WOW).
Nobody (besides the committee) will see your contact information and completing the form does not commit you to attending the reunion, however by completing the form you give us permission to annouce you if the reunion committee determines you are a catagory "winner".
These are the catagories:
Come on.. it will be fun! There could be prizes involved!
Click on THIS LINK which is a simple Google form. Let's do this!