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Bob Appleby

Posted on the 2023-10-20 at 14:06
Junior year, school assembly at quad, perhaps for baseball, and Coach Grable forced us to wear a tie. Noticed a very cute little sophomore (Lori I think), sitting alone. Sitting a few feet from each other, we exchanged a glance and a smile. Then 'dorkism' sat in, and I didn't say so much as a syllable, no vowels either, except to myself, u o i. you aaa... Assembly ended, she looked at me as if to say, "next time, 'you might want to buy a vowel" ????‍♀️, I said nothing, ????‍♂️ Sue Messenger lived down the street and I saw her walking by from our big front window. Timing it perfectly, opened the front door and said enthusiastically, "Hi Sue, how are you!" Smiling, she said, "Good Bob, how are you!" I responded, "great Sue, how are you?" She shook her head and kept on moving, seemingly puzzled, ????. I said nothing ????‍♂️

Wendy Lafferty

Posted on the 2023-09-20 at 20:02
Well, I remember meeting Greg in his gray sweatshirt with that beautiful smile, while walking to the snack bar. I was in Mr Snyder's geometry class, I think I remember his name right? There was a pillowcase under the desk on the floor next to me. It began to move, and then a snake popped its head out and I ran out of the room! No thought pattern, just fight or flight! Song-leading was just fun! I remember during, “Dancing in the Moonlight” at a basketball game, spacing out and forgetting the routine for a moment, then returning to the real world. At a pep rally getting a whip cream pie in my face and walking around all day with greasy hair. Then there was that freezing football game at Mission Viejo, not sure I have ever been that cold since. Loved going to the dances, wonder why I never took my shoes off?I also remember a lot of nice people, surely one of the happiest times in my life.

Mike Petersen

Posted on the 2023-09-15 at 15:53
Elementary School (Villa Park and Serrano) Candi Curtis and Diana Pano were the kindest girls alive at that time. Sometime between 4th and 6th grade Susan Farb broke my high jump record by hurdling higher that I could jump... ego buster My first true love was Monte Bea Farris in 4th or 5th grade. I think Carla Haun told me Monte loved me at a Serrano dance. My best friend through Elementary was Bob Swanson. His dad working for Nestle never hurt our relationship. Fell hard for Nancy Leeming in 10th grade. She loved to ski, rock climb and be crazy. I failed at those things. My friend Terry Topercer got a beautiful yellow Camaro on his 16th birthday and his neighbor, Ron Todd got a '69 Mustang. I had a '59 rust bucket. The coolest guy on campus was Kirk Reidinger. Smart, athletic and cool. Nope, we were never friends. I loved every guy on the basketball team. They were my family. Best friends through high school were Charlie Duncan, Nancy Leeming and Jeff Boyer. Also had many friends from the '72 and '74 class. Recently heard from Bob Appleby. Incredible time "catching up" I became a Christian early on in high school "Jesus Movement" Thinking back on how zealous I was, I probably wouldn't have liked myself very much, but, I'm still a Christian, love my wife, Joan, of over 45 years, our 3 married kids and 11 grandkids (plus 2 Foster Grandkids). All living in Oregon. Thanks to everyone that had an impact on my life. I wish I could thank many of you in person and I wish I could apologize to some of you. Have a blast at the 50th!

Marilee Horn

Posted on the 2023-08-19 at 20:20
This was found by Laurie (Way) Hermsdorf.. She even remembers the music and can sing it...

Kirk Reidinger

Posted on the 2023-06-22 at 13:11
Junior year assembly. They called some fb players up on stage during the pep rally. I was blind folded. It was all blah blah blah and then I heard raucous laughter, followed by more laughter. And then I felt a tongue in my mouth and at 17, your natural instinct is to reciprocate. What the hell...? My mind was racing until they pulled our blind folds off, and each of us was standing on stage next to our mothers. More confusion, until I was told the tongue in my mouth was Wanda's. I felt alot better after that...My senior year the El Modena cheerleaders contacted my mom about kidnapping me to their pep rally the week of our game. She turned them down. We lost anyway...

Kirk Reidinger

Posted on the 2023-06-22 at 13:02
Got my 1st swats from the vice principal in my sophomore year. I threw a milk carton off the 2nd floor balcony at someone...Guess somebody ratted me out...good on them...a very dumb and potentially dangerous idea. Probably a dare. I remember telling the vice principal I was having some shoulder issues with my throwing arm, so he gave me two swats instead of one...