CHS Class of 2003 - 20 Year Reunion

CHS Class of 2003 - 20 Year Reunion

Crookston Class of 2003 - 20 Year Class Reunion! 

Friday, August 18th @ 7pm

Come and celebrate our 20 year reunion with classmates at Minakwa! There will be a taco bar included in ticket cost and drinks on your own. Come and catch up, play in the bean bag tournament (not required - only if you want), and enjoy the night. Ticket cost covers food, website, venue costs, and entry into the bean bag tournament w/ prizes for winners! This is a casual event so come and have fun! Bring your spouse, significant other, or someone with you (adults only)!

Buy tickets

Who's coming

About the organizer

Michael Nicholas 

Tanner Graham 

Britt Belquist 

Tracy Kuchan - or 218-289-7420

Feel free to contact us with any questions!