Types of Reunions
The type of reunion you choose will depend on your timeframe, budget, and how much time and effort you have to plan your reunion. Below are 5 types of reunions for you to consider.


A picnic or BBQ at a nearby park or family member’s home are examples of simple reunions. It is quite easy and cheap to plan and host. It is a good option if it is your first family reunion. This type is also appropriate for annual reunions since it not costly or difficult organize. You can alternate amongst different relatives homes or use the same park if you enjoy it. This sort of reunion can occur in a single day and does not require significant advanced planning or guest notification. This is a great option for when there are a lot of children, as they can run around and play. It important to have a contingency plan in case of bad weather - such as different location or date.


Easy to Plan

A nice dinner at restaurant or hotel doesn't require a large amount of planning. All that's required is finding a restaurant with a menu that meets the taste preferences of attendees and making a reservation. You can plan some entertaining activities if there is a reception with dinner. The reunion will be short and sweet. Relatives should be notified about the name and address of the location a couple of weeks prior. The cost will vary depending on the restaurant chosen, but you can usually negotiate a cheaper per person or group rate for your group if you call in advance.



If your family is the outdoors type, a family camping trip is a great bonding experience. These reunions tend to take place over a weekends or span 2-3 days. The cost will depend on the campsite chosen and accommodations. (You may have to rent a trailer, or a tent or just bring a sleeping bag.) You need to consider the weather when planning an outdoor reunion, summers are usually the best time to have this sort of reunion. A camping trip does require planning as the best possible date, location and amenities need to be taken into account to meet your family’s wants. You must also consider the camping site and equipment that needs to be reserved in advance and the menus and meals that need to be arranged. You should notify your family members several months in advance seeing as it will occur over several days and may require people to take time off and rent camping gear.

Tip: To make this sort of reunion cheaper, have every family bring their own food or each family supply one meal.


Big Reunions

Cruises, theme parks and vacations are big reunions that require a large amount of planning and organizing. Your relatives need to be informed far in advance (min. 1 year) to give everyone enough time to plan and save up for it. These sort of reunions will usually take place over several days, such as a long weekend or over Christmas break when there is no work or school. Big reunions are often expensive due to travel costs including flights and hotels, and they usually occur during high season ( long weekends or holidays) where prices are the highest.


Themed Reunions

Regardless of the type of reunion you are planning, consider a themed reunion. A theme isn't required, however it can definitely add a lot to the ambience. It's a great way to build interest and increase attendance by creating excitement. Incorporating a central theme will facilitate with planning, as it can be the base for your choice of location, invitations, decorations, website design, food, activities, games and more. Example of possible themes include; birthday party, circus, family history, fiesta, specific holiday, Hawaiian Luau, safari, under the sea, wedding anniversary, or rodeo.

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