Abigail Matteson's Page
Abigail Matteson's Page
Goal: $1000
Goal: $1000
$715.00 raised by 12 donors
$715.00 raised by 12 donors


Welcome to Abby Matteson's Dancer Page!

SHMD is about helping others in need. The money goes to people in need of medical assistance and select businesses who help these people. Please concider donating to a great cause!

This will be her 4th and Final year participating in SHMD. She is so proud of all that her classmates have accomplished through SHMD and is so proud to be a part of it. 

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Recent contributors

12 donations have been made to this participant.
Theresa Cochran
Melanie Healy
Abby Matteson
Tammy Simpson
Kristine & Glenn Matteson
Dennis Mallory
Mark Korb
Ginny DeSantis
Jeanne Winters
Karen Bennett
The Tilleys
Sharon Mallette

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