Joshua Laisdell's Page
Joshua Laisdell's Page
Goal: $500
Goal: $500
$215.00 raised by 7 donors
$215.00 raised by 7 donors

The South High Marathon Dance is a 28 hour event in which students of South Glenns Falls highschool dance for 28 hours to raise money for those in need. In order to participate, Each student must raise $150 dollars in order to participate in the dance. Please consider helping me reach my goal to not only participate in this fun, community-driven, good cause; But to support those within our community and provide aid for those who are in need. Donating to my South High Marathon Dance donation page is a meaningful way to support a community-driven event. By contributing, you're empowering individuals and families in need. The South High Marathon Dance exemplifies the power of a commutiative collective action. Your donation can make a significant difference in someone's life, whether it's providing access to healthcare or basic necessities. 

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Recent contributors

7 donations have been made to this participant.
Robert forbes
Michelle Thompson
Stephanie Laisdell
Dana Medina
Melissa Fallen
Patricia Gorsky
Doreen Nasser

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