Nora Trimarchi's Page
Nora Trimarchi's Page
Goal: $1200
Goal: $1200
$1,285.50 raised by 18 donors
$1,285.50 raised by 18 donors

I'm so excited to dance in my last Marathon dance! I want to raise $1200 or more to help the people in our community. I'm so excited to give back. Please help me achieve my goal. Thank you so much!

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Recent contributors

18 donations have been made to this participant.
Kelly Trimarchi
Kristen Plowman
Fundraiser Trimarchi
Aunt Wanda Desnoyers
Patrick DiCaprio
Mary Bergquist
Grams and Gramp Frasier
Amber Barber
Tina George
Patrick Romain
Tina Dukette
John and Laura Marino
Jeri O'Bryan-Losee
Alex Hemmerstein
Cathy Saleem
carrie trimarchi
Barbara Trimarchi

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