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Linda Bayer Limberg
Jon Beck
Martin Bischoff, III
Marcia Bruce Modica
Daniel Byrne
Nancy Coggins Thompson
James DeLeo
Thomas Dickson
Annette Flores Gunnerson
Julie Freed Fowles
Joni Frizzell Wood
Rodney Gantt
Marianne Goldfain Peoples
Morey Grebb
Morgan Guenther
Douglas Homan
David Laubach
Catherine Lawrence Heeter
Cynthia Lawrence Hady
Veronica Maestas
Teri Mayer
Donald Mueller
Will Norden
Debra Raiter Colussy
Richard Robertson, Jr.
Sheryl Robinson
Rose Roddy Doi
Thomas Stefanik
John Stevenson
David Stidger
Kurt Suppes
Roger Tharp
James Therrell, PhD
Christopher Walker
Peter Allis
John Bramley
Jon Griffith
John Hawkins
Thomas Hein
William "Bill" Howell
Holly Kier Lana
Cindy Levitt
Terence McClaughry
Bradley Meter
James Mode
Ken Nottingham
Christopher Petty
Paula Phillips Shore
Karen Piper Jablonski
Douglas Pirc
Margo Rechnitz Isaacs
Howard Tulper
Robert Wylie, Jr.
Thank you Bill Howell!!
Nancy Gates Correa
Jack and Mac apologize to Nancy and our classmates for the audio quality of this interview. We had a bad connection at the time of the recording that could not be corrected with edited. Our apologies!!
This section is here for compliments and comments about the interviews. All comments will be screened before being posted. As such, a comment posting will NOT be immediate. Every attempt will be made to make them available as quickly as possible after they are submitted.
# | Interviewee | Compliment/Comment | Writer | |
1 | Tim Hardy | Love watching you interview. I knew at the 40th when you told me you were teaching at TJ I wanted to know how that happened. I didn't see a email for you. Had a few follow up questions. Maybe I will see you in the future and ask them then. | Debi Ruppel Menger | tim_debmenger@hotmail.com |
2 | Jackson Mumey | What can I say. Your interview was just amazing. Kudos to you Bob for doing a great job. As much TV as I watched as a kid, I can't believe I never saw you in a commercial. Now I have to spending hours trying to find those old commercial. Thanks, a lot. Congratulations to you and Nancy | Debi Ruppel Menger | tim_debmenger@hotmail.com |
3 | Mark Smith Tom Tweeten Margie Campe |
I sent you Marks contact. He is a doctor in Maryland. Tom Tweeten. Lives in Idaho still skiing Margie Campe. No idea. They all lived on the same street as me. Julie Sanders did to. She is on the missing list. (Requesting interviews) | Anonymous | Anonymous |
4 | Debbie Ruppel Menger | Hi Debbie.I enjoyed listening your interview too.I remember you from junior year.I must say it took grit to just walk out of a class and never come back.Enjoy your grand children, they are a joy.Take care. | Bill Howell | wjhowell18@q.com |
5 | Nancy Coggins | I loved your interview. So much energy and fun. Hope to see you sometime in Denver | Marne butts | kenshalomargaret@gmail.com |
6 | Marne butts | oh Hi ya Marne! I loved your interview as well. What a great idea this was! Keep us posted as to when you're here! | Nancy Coggins | chanchywee@msn.com |
7 | Marlene Woleske Studee | I so enjoyed your interview. I am grateful you shared your life and your short time at TJ. You seemed so grounded and wise at a young age. Thank you for sharing. Made me wish I had known you when we were at TJ. | Annette Flores Gunnerson | annette.gunnerson@gmail.com |
8 | Nancy Gates Correa | So great to see and hear Nancy and meet her hub! Hope they can make it to Denver sometime. | Chuck Panella | chuckpanella@hotmail.com |
9 | Harvey Bograd | Harvey, just had a chance to view you interview w/Jack and Mac. Was really great to hear your story since our TJ days together. Very best wishes, and really hope you will come to one of our events in the future. Take care! | Chuck Panella | chuckpanella@hotmail.com |