2 Million Steps Around the World For Girls
Step-off Begins 9AM
Step-off Begins 9AM

Empowering Girls, One Step at a Time!

Royal Company Global Network

Donna Stallings Ministries, International


Saturday, July 12th, 2025, 8:30 am at the Detroit Riverfront Conservatory - Cullen Plaza. Support DSM International and The Royal Company Global Network with Every Step! We are Helping Girls and Families one STEP at a TIME!  Donate, donate, donate... and watch HOPE COME ALIVE.


DSM International is a 501(C)(3) organization committed to our mission to preserve HOPE and doing what God requires... "To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." 


To donate and register for the walk, please complete the form below:

Want to donate to a participant? Click here

Our goal
$5,559.00 of $20,000.00 raised
2 Million Steps Around the World For Girls

Join Donna Stallings Ministries and The Royal Company Global Network for our "2 Million Steps Around the World For Girls" Scholarship/Fitness Fundraiser! 

July 20th, 2024

8:30am EDT

1340 Atwater Street,
Detroit, MI, US, 48207