“ The family and friends who smile together, stay together”
Dear Family and Friends,
Please accept our heartwarming greetings extended to all descendants and friends of Thomas and Bertha Beasley. We pray that all is well with your family.
The Beasley 2024 Reunion Planning Committee is overjoyed to share information concerning our upcoming fourth family reunion which will be held June 29, 2024. We hope that since we are three months away that family members and friends will be able to put this date on your calendar and make it work.
Theme: "Its A Family Affair"
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024
Time: 12:00 Noon
Location: Elks National Shrine 100 E H R Reynolds Rd, Winton, NC 27986, USA
Registration Deadine: June 1st, 2024
We are excited about our next family reunion! The committee is working hard to plan a successful event and fellowship. Time is fast approaching and we are eager about spending precious time with you. Please mark your calendar now and purchase your tickets TODAY!
Your support is needed to continue our history of successful reunions. Every year we seek to improve your experience and this year is no different! We are pleased to offer this online registration option which will improve the planning process for the planning committee and attendees.
Online Pricing: Age’s 11 & up $25.00 + $2.35 processing fee. Children ages 7-10 $10.00 + $1.41 processing fee. Children ages 6 and younger are free but required registration for accurate headcount.
Regular Pricing: Ages 11 & up $25.00. Children ages 7-10 $10.00. Children ages 6 and younger are free but required registration for accurate headcount.
You can register and pay online or complete and mail in the registration form with your payment. The online processing fee covers the cost of credit card processing and does not come to the committee. There is also an option to make a voluntary donation above the minimum registration if you wish assist in covering the incidental cost related to planning. For example, door prizes and other incidental items were purchased of out pocket by the planning committee members in the past. Again this the donation is voluntary and can be added to your order in increments of $10.
Please click the "contact the organizer" button below to summit any questions.
With best regards,
The Reunion Committee