
This page is dedicated to honoring the memories of our classmates who have passed away.
If you know of a classmate who has passed who is not listed here, you can add a new memorial with a photo by clicking the Add Memorial button.
You can also write a tribute or leave your comments about those already listed on the page. (Approval may be required prior to publishing)

Wayne Abbott

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Ron Ackerman

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Skip Anderson

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Bill Ausman

Cheryl Duthie May - July 31st, 2024
Bill was such a kind friend. He and I attended church together. I have always been saddened by his untimely death so many years ago. All of us would have been so privileged to have had him be with us in the High School class of 1964.

Joe Bailey

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Jim Bledsoe

Cheryl Duthie May - July 31st, 2024
Jim was a charming guy. He came to at least one of our reunions and I had a great time dancing with him. Very sorry to hear of his passing.

Alex Bondar

Cheryl Duthie May - July 31st, 2024
There aren't words to describe our friend, Alex Bondar. I was fortunate that we both lived in Houston, TX together so we had the opportunity to get together or chat on the phone. He was so courageous with having MS which ravaged his body and left him in a wheelchair. With all the struggles he had, he remained cheerful and optimistic. He was a joy to be with, and I know a lot of our classmates stayed in contact with him and lifted his spirits. May God bless his soul. Cheryl Duthie May

Bill Bowen

Ward - August 10th, 2024
Probably not having to rest your right arm on the 3-on-the-tree anymore. Rest in peace.

Mary Ann Bowie

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Carolyn Carroa

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Lynda Cavalli

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Richard Chatterton

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Cheryl Georgeson (Childers)

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Robert Coffey

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Lynda Conner

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Dave Coulson

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John Crock

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Patty Croker

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Carol Drake

Cheryl Duthie May - July 31st, 2024
We all had fun when Carol was around. She loved to be with her friends and go to parties! She is missed. Cheryl Duthie May

Betty Egan

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