Our goal
$3,800.00 of $5,000.00 raised

Sponsorship Opportunities - We appreciate your support!
We are currently looking for donations from either individuals or businesses. The price of venues and food has substantially risen in the last 10 years. We are hopeful to be able to maintain the same caliber of event as we previously have had. In order to do this, we will need all of your help!


Eagle Donor: $1000
Our Eagle Donors will receive 2 free tickets to the event, Facebook & Website Recognition, Table gift, Verbal Recognition the night of the event, banner and the enjoyment that comes from helping put on a fantastic night for all of our 1994 friends. 

Blue and Silver Donor: $500
Our Blue and Silver Donors will receive 1 free ticket to the event, Facebook & Website Recognition, Verbal Recognition the night of the event and the enjoyment that comes from helping to put on a fantastic night for all of our 1994 friends. 

Dessert Sponsor: $250
Your name will be displayed on the dessert table.


Centerpiece Sponsor: $100
Your name will be displayed on a table centerpiece. 

Do you have another creative idea for sponsorship? We are open to ideas! Contact us!


Our donations
7 donations have been made to this site.
Bill Nobles
Dominique Stokes
Michael Repasky