We're planning our 55th reunion in September of 2025. After having such a great time together three years ago we all agreed that waiting another decade was far too long. And an added benefit is we’ll have less time to forget our classmate’s names!
This will be similar to the last reunion, though we’re planning fewer events. We’ll set up a free picnic where you’ll bring your own food and drinks. We’ll also have an informal evening gathering with catering that will require a modest charge. And we’re thinking of a GSHS football game if we can get the schedule to cooperate. To keep costs reasonable we may skip the sit down banquet this time.
To accommodate those who can’t attend, we may set up a Zoom meeting at the evening gathering so more of us can connect and catch up. And there will be plenty of free time to get together in groups for other activities.
None of this is finalized yet, so let us know if you have any suggestions. Please use the Contact Page to send your thoughts to the reunion committee.
As before, you can add or update your profile on Classmates Page, and feel free to upload some Photos to be published on the site.
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More to come!