Become a Sponsor

Dear Classmates:

As you are aware, these events are expensive to hold. For the 45th Reunion, and the Birthday Bash we were able to hold down the cost of tickets for our classmates though the generosity of some of our classmates who agreed to serve as sponsors. The generosity of our sponsors makes our party more affordable for everyone. Naturally with escalating inflation, the need is sadly even greater this year. 

Would you consider becoming a sponsor for our 50th Reunion? There will be signage at the event to thank everyone who contributes, but you also may remain anonymous if you prefer. 

Sponsorship levels:

Platinum: $1000.00 (includes two tickets to the reunion)

Gold: $500.00 (includes two tickets ot the reunion)

Silver: $250 (includes two tickets to the reunion)

Bronze: $150 (includes two tickets to the reunion)

Donations of less than $150.00 will also be acknowledged as "General Donations" on the sponsorship sign. 

If your company would be interested in sponsoring at $1500.00. or more, they will be recognized with their own sign at the event. 

Your support is greatly appreciated!

If you would like to become a sponsor, or if you have any questions, please contact Pam Jensen Stovall at

We thank you very much.

The 50th High School Reunion Committee.