Condolences to family and friends for the loss of our classmate and friend, Billy Bernal (Class of 74), who passed earlier this month. Thank you to Jaime Marrujo for letting us know.
The application period for the $2,000.00 scholarships has opened effective January 8th, 2025. Please spread the word to any Mayfield senior (or parent, friend, relative of the Mayfield senior) that they apply for these scholarships. The application period closes on April 4th, 2025.
Scholarship details are available on the 'Scholarship' page of the Las Cruces Public School Foundation website (https://lcpsf.org/). We are listed as 'MHS 72-77 Reunion Scholarships'.
Please note that there is NO GPA requirement for these scholarships. The scholarships are intended to give a little help to MHS seniors who could use a little financial help.
UPDATE: December 18, 2024
Three $2,000.00 scholarships donated from the monies collected at our June 50th Reunion. The scholarships go to three graduating seniors from MHS and can be used for University, College, Community College or Technical/Vocational school.
Details available on the 'Scholarship' page of the Las Cruces Public School Foundation (LCPS). We are listed as 'MHS 72-77 Reunion Scholarships'.
Thanks and congratulations to all for making this possible!
UPDATE: October 16, 2024
Received a report that Danny Warren, Class of '73, has passed. Condolences to his family and friends. Thank you to Louie Sanchez for letting us know.
Unfortunately adding two from Class of '75 to the Memorial list. Greatest Trojan 1975 Fred (Pancho) Enriquez and Gabe Telles. Two good guys. Thank you to Louie Sanchez for the information.
Just learned that Robert Romero Class of '72 passed on August 7, 2024. Thank you to Jaime Marrujo for letting us know. Condolences to all family and friends.
1. THE 'IN MEMORIA' VIDEO IS READY FOR VIEWING. CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW. In addition, the other three videos are attached for you to review at your leisure. They are the welcoming 'GLORY DAYS', the 'MAYFIELD VETERANS TRIBUTE', and 'GOODBYE, FAREWELL . . . '
2. JUST ADDED: Mayfield Veteran page listing our classmates who served. To view the list, click 'Menu' above then 'Mayfield Veterans'.
3. We continue to update the Mayfield veterans list and the In Memoria list. If you know of any of our classmates who should be on either list, please let us know. (Click 'Menu' above then 'Contact', or click 'Contact' below to send the information.)
Reunion Facebook page at: MHS(LCNM) Class of '72-76- 50 years mas o menos
Welcome (to our Glory Days)
Mayfield Veteran Salute (Classes 72 to 77)
In Memoria (Classes 1972 to 1977)
Goodbye, Farewell . . . Vaya con Dios