7-year-old Sara-Maude is deaf in both ears and lives with Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare genetic condition that affects her facial development. Sometimes, her diagnoses can make her feel like she doesn’t belong. While other kids her age are planning when they will play with their friends next, Sara-Maude is planning her next doctor’s visit or speech therapy appointment.
Sara-Maude’s health conditions unfortunately come with plenty of daily challenges. She relies on hearing aids to cope with her bilateral deafness, and her craniofacial difference heartbreakingly draws unwanted stares and comments from strangers.
When it feels like there’s no place for Sara-Maude to fit in, Starlight Canada gives her a safe space to simply be herself! From attending local sports games to taking part in Starlight Canada’s fun-filled Great Escapes Wishes events, this young girl gets to experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities while being surrounded by others who understand her.
When you support Starlight Canada, you support seriously ill children like Sara-Maude by providing comfort and strength to help them cope through the medical and emotional difficulties. With your help, we can continue to be a light for families with sick kids, from coast to coast.