Adults (14 years & older): $175
Children (9 to 13 years old): $85
Young Children (birth to 8 years old): FREE*
*t-shirts selected for Young Children cost $5.00
Meet & Greet only - Adult: $20
Meet & Greet only - Children: $10
Picnic only - Adult (includes transportation & t-shirt): $50
Picnic only - Children (includes transportation & t-shirt): $26
Banquet only - Adult (includes transportation): $60
Banquet only - Children (includes transportation): $30
By Mail
If mailing the registration:
- please calculate the total amount due using the "2025 Family Reunion Fees" section on this page
- please include payment when mailing the registration
By CashApp
By Check or Money Order
Your registration costs include transportation to the picnic & the banquet from Hotel Indigo.
These local transportation options are provided if you need to arrange transportation to & from the airport, or for other reasons.
Your registration fee includes Thursday Night's Meet & Greet Reception, Friday's Family Picnic, Saturday's Semi-formal Banquet, & Family Reunion T-shirts*/Souvenirs
*T-shirts for children 8 years old and younger cost $5.00 & should be included in your total remitted for reunion fees
We welcome your input. Please submit any comments, questions or suggestions about the reunion to us using the form on the "Contact Us" page. The organizers will respond to you at their earliest convenience.