Hello Groves Class of 1984 Classmate!
We have already created a profile for every classmate with the information we previously had in our Groves Class of 1984 database. If you received an email from MyEvent, click on Forgot password to reset/create a new password. Use the same email address where you received the MyEvent email. You will then be able to log in and update the profile we created for you.
If you did not receive an email from MyEvent and only found out about this site through Facebook or word of mouth, then we did not have your email address. You will have to create a new profile by clicking on Register. We will add your senior photo for you once you create your new profile. We will then delete the old profile.
The profile information is private and can only be seen by your Groves Class of 1984 administrators. Classmates can message you through your profile on the site (optional), and your general location will be shown on the "Where are they now" map if you check the "show on map" box (optional).