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Adam Steinman

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Engineer
Comment: Seafood is my favorite food.

Ali Rosenthal

Marital status: Single Children: 0
Occupation: Student

Amy Langer

Marital status: Committed Relationship Children: 0
Occupation: Retired architectural designer

Ann Langer (Markham)

Then photo
Now photo
Children: 2

Carol Langer (Strully)

Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired
Children: Janet, David and Gale Schwartz
Husband: Tim Shaffer

David Schwartz

Then photo
Marital status: Single Children: 1

Diane Strully (Strully)

Marital status: Divorced Children: 3
Occupation: Retired

Elinor Langer (Langer)

Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Writer

Ellin E Rosenthal (Rosenthal)

Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Retired, Writer

Gale Schwartz

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Committed Relationship

Janet Schwartz (Schwartz)

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Now photo
Children: 0

Jeanne Schwartz (Schwartz )

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Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Program manager (content)

Jessica Schwartz (Schwartz)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Clinical Social Worker

Joanne Luksa (Langer)

Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Executive Assistant - Project Manager

Joe Langer

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 0
Occupation: Retired

Katy Dismukes (Harp)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Bank Manager
Husband Dalton
Amelia Mae (Millie) Dismukes
Adeline Kate (Addie) Dismukes

LeAnn Ashford (Langer)

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Now photo
Marital status: Committed Relationship Children: 2
Occupation: Retired Technical Writer

Rachel Benefield (Harp)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Physical therapist

Robert and Erica Langer

Children: 3
Bob's first two sons Tim and Zach. Bob and Erica's son Lucas

Shelby Langer

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married
Occupation: Associate Professor, Arizona State University

Sloane Smith (Smith)

Susan Harp (Langer)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Infection Prevention
Spouse Terry
kids, Emily Gunnels, Rachel Benefield, Katelynn (Katy) Dismukes

Emily Jane Harp Gunnels spouse William (Billy) Gunnels children Ryan Roy Gunnels, Harper Jane Gunnels
Rachel Alison Benefield spouse Josuha Benefield children Audrey Grace Benefield, Raegan Jean Benefield
Katelynn (Katy) Lange Dismukes- spouse Dalton Dismukes children Amelia (Millie) Mae Dismukes, Adeline (Addie) Kate Dismukes

Susan Langer (Langer)

Tim Langer