




About Us

What is Mustaches 4 Kids?

This November, don't be surprised if you see an unusual number of mustaches. They could be anywhere: at work, parties, the grocery store, restaurants - even in your own home. But these people aren't just making a fashion statement, they are 'growing for good' - raising funds for vulnerable children in our community. They are helping to support the life-changing work of Piedmont CASA and the Foothills Child Advocacy Center.


How does M4K work?

November will be the Growing Season! Our Growers will start clean shaven and then grow the most incredible mustaches possible. They will shave their faces, except for the mustache, a minimum of one time per week, and solicit donations from friends, family, co-workers, and people in the community. At the end of the Growing Season we will have a ‘Stache Bash with a panel of judges to award the prize for the Sweetest ‘Stache.