Missing Classmates - Help Us Find Them

The following are of classmates that we do not have current contact info for / cannot locate. If you or another classmate that you know (who's maybe not on FB) - is in touch with any of these folks please let us know. We REALLY want to have as many of us as possible attending the Reunion in October.
Message us using the Contact Us page or email us at MC84Class@gmail.com
Thank you!

Christina Anderlini
Janine Bradley Carlson
Mary Brown
Robbin Chung
Shelley Dodge
Robert Duffy
Jordan Emerson
Erik Ender
Marlene Goerl Cagdaser
Mark Hoffman
John "Mike" Kelly
Sharon Kinkaide Rayner
Greg Lincoln
Mark Liu
Derek McMaster
Amy Mohler Nichelini
Ronald Paletzki
Laura Rice Stock
Lisa Smaw
Wendy Sieber
Joerg Sladky
Karen Williams
Shelley Wishovich