Lisbeth McCarty
Lisbeth McCarty

Golden Years Shine Brightly

By Lisbeth L. McCarty

In 1978, when I was an OU student pursuing a B.A. in Journalism, I was also a mime for Mirror Street Theatre Company (MST). Who knew that more than 40 years later, after having had a long career as an appellate criminal defense attorney, I would once again perform as a mime?

But that is exactly what is happening, and this is yet another bright light to shine in my life. A lot of planning for this event has been done via Zoom because so many of us involved live in different cities and states. When we had our first in-person rehearsal,  I had not seen many of my castmates for decades. Even so, the love for each other was still there bonding us together.

MST began more than 40 years ago when a group of OU students and others who were part of a nondenominational campus ministry created the show as a way to share our Christian faith through humor. We performed on campuses and dormitory lobbies in various States, at fairs and public parks, and even in prisons.

We performed as MST for several years, but by the time I entered law school at OU, the troupe had ceased to exist. Many of us had graduated, married, had children, taken jobs across the country, created businesses, and/or moved on in some other meaningful way. Now, we are adding a new meaning to our senior years by once again performing as MST.

People will soon be streaming into Norman, OK, from as far away as Queensland, Australia, as well as from cities in Oklahoma, Montana, Hawaii, Oregon, North Carolina, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas. They will be either audience members or part of the cast and crew of the show.

Children and grandchildren of former cast and crew have all been invited to be part of the show if interested in doing so. Our youngest mime is in middle school. She is the granddaughter of one of our outstanding former actors.

Anyone who wants to join in the family-friendly fun is welcome to attend the show. Tickets are being sold to cover the cost of the show. Any money beyond costs will be donated to the OU Alumni Association.

Program Cover and Back
Program Cover and Back
Program Inside
Program Inside
Pam Boyd in News Article in the Early 70's
Pam Boyd in News Article in the Early 70's



Pam Boyd


The first of my family to go to college, I came to OU in the fall of 1971 as a theater major, pretending I wasn’t horribly insecure about my future-- and about how to get to my classes on time without looking like a fool.

 I loved the theater department except for the part where I was supposed to be confident and fearless at the terrifying mandatory auditions. Believe me, no one was ever going to cast me in anything, but I still had illusions about an entertainment career—until I met a medical missionary whose dedication and sacrifice made me feel guilty about wanting applause instead of a life of service. So, I changed my major to nursing/premed, then felt guilty about studying too much, so I joined up with some hippie Christians and dedicated myself to “ministry.”

Without strong leadership or examples in my family, I was obviously easily swayed. My mentors had come from the Jesus Movement and all the emphasis there was on sharing the Good News and having Bible studies. I still had the comedy and acting bug but had no idea how that would ever be relevant again to my pursuits. Theater wasn’t anywhere on the agenda.

Until 1978. That’s when I pitched the idea of combining comedy theater with the Good News and Voila! Mirror Street Theatre Company was born! “Mirror” because we intended to write and perform original material that would help students see themselves and “Street” because we thought no one was probably going to invite us inside to perform!

We started out at Reeves Park, then headed to campus, then malls, then prisons, then other parks and other campuses in other states, and eventually TV. Hey, we did get inside, and we kept performing for three years! The volunteer cast and crew of around forty-five people included a mime troupe, a band, singers, and lots of amateur actors. Another talented OU drama student-turned-Jesus-Freak, Kay Zahasky became our director. We self-funded it all and never charged an admission fee.

Until 2023. Now, the troupe is back together for a Reunion Tour, performing Saturday August 19th at the iconic Sooner Theater. For $25 at the door (or $20 if purchased early) you’ll see portions of the original Gunsmoke skit, The Operation, Camelot, The Unsung Christmas Carol, 5-Jive News, and Is This the Way It’s Supposed to Be? But wait, there’s more--mime performances, new skits, and your favorite commercials!

Norman and the University of Oklahoma were the incubators for this unconventional troupe and the talented Mirror Street performers. Forty-five years ago, we unleashed our hidden or forsaken talents and funneled them into this unique endeavor.  Some students and residents might remember us with fondness. Others, with consternation. But, for us, it was one of the happiest times of our lives.

And now, after all these years, we have been drawn back together from all over this country to celebrate Mirror Street Theatre Company in Norman, Oklahoma.