$4,239.95 of $8,000.00 raised

Dear Classmates -- We are asking for donations to help defray the administrative costs of things like this website, classmate outreach, giveaways, venue decorations and more. Also, some folks may not be able to afford to pay for tickets but would love to attend the reunion. Please donate what you can and thank you!

Mt. Lebo Class of 1975 Venmo QR Code
Mt. Lebo Class of 1975 Venmo QR Code

We also offer the option to make a donation by Venmo. Just scan this QR Code or go directly to this URL and the funds will go securely into the Mt. Lebo Class of 1975 Reunion bank account. Please note in Venmo that this is for a donation, not for a ticket purchase.


If you are making a memorial donation (or if you would like any other comments on the donations page) via Venmo, please email Carolyn (carolynnewcott@gmail.com) the details and she will put the information on this donations page (see below).


If you'd prefer to make a direct deposit by credit card, see below.



  1. Carolyn Kent Newcott, June 5, 2024. My donation is in memory of Lindsay Tyson who was my good friend and died way too young. XOXO
  2. Duncan Jameson, June 7, 2024. My donation is in memory of David Baum and Dan Gillette, Presidents for the Class of 1975, who each had a passion for our reunion events.
  3. Diane Grant Hatcher, June 7, 2024. I am donating in memory of all our classmates who have passed...
  4. Kathleen Miller Brandenburg, June 7, 2024. For the class of 1975 and in the memory of Mindy Lammert our classmate and one of my best friends.
  5. Anonymous, June 7, 2024.
  6. Katie McFarlin Reeves, June 10, 2024. For those for the Class of 75 who have passed, they will all be missed.
  7. Dale Cable, June 10, 2024. Dedicated to the memory of my great friends, Joe Ehland and John Pardy, both of whom made me laugh until I cried.
  8. Beth McKendry Santore, June 11, 2024. My donation is in memory of my beloved sister Linda, and brother Billy.
  9. Joy McManus Balena, June 11, 2024. In memory of my first crush at Lincoln, Bill Focer. In memory of Kevin Kelly, my tennis friend. In memory of Mary Beth Harwick, a sweet girl and runner. 
  10. Ann Jacoby, June 11, 2024. In memory of all our deceased classmates!
  11. Timothy McCardle, June 12, 2024.
  12. Anonymous, June 12, 2024.
  13. Dickie Schmitt, June 12, 2024. So Cable doesn't get a dime from this generous donation????? To our absent classmates. ❤️
  14. Mark Maykranz, June 19, 2024. In appreciation of the hard work of the reunion committee.
  15. Craig Allen, June 23, 2024. This donation is in memory of my great friends, Mike Brown and Jeff Dockum.. they are sorely missed.
  16. Robert Bires, July 5, 2024. In honor of Bob Diskin.
  17. Anthony Cappelli, July 8, 2024. This donation is for the memories I cherish from the classmates no longer with us.
  18. R Shawn Griffith, July 28, 2024. In Memory of Dan Gillette, who died way too young and was a member of the team that ran with Joe Cooper, Paul Dean, Ed Jacobs, Judy Jackson, Marianne Gedrock and a host of others.
  19. Renice Jones, August 24, 2024. In honor of homeroom -53. Surprising how close you can become spending 15 minutes a day together for 4 years. And in memory of John Jones, the only male of the five Joneses. The kind man he was as an adult was very apparent in his high school years.
  20. Marjorie Fulbright, August 27, 2024.
  21. Anonymous, October 2, 2024.
  22. Shireen Irani Larsen, November 3, 2024. My donation is also in memory of my beloved best friend Lindsay Tyson.
  23. Susan Krongold Liddle, November 13, 2024. In memory of Patti Scheimer Bednarik.
  24. Kim Kraus Kotheimer, November 18, 2024. In memory of Mary Jo Zacchero-Smith.
  25. Kevin Coologhan, December 1, 2024. In thanks to the people contributing their time & effort to organize the probably million & one details of this reunion.
  26. Alan Tabor, December 22, 2024. In memory of Cindy Driscoll.
  27. Chad Wilson, January 13, 2025. My donation is in loving memory of Karen Ann Snyder Wilson who passed away on March 16, 1991. She was my wife and my best friend and she was taken from us far too early. 









$4,239.95 of $8,000.00 raised