Hello Class of 1974 Panthers and Friends!
Can you believe it's been 50 years since we graduated? So it's time to do some stretching, shake
the cobwebs from your brain and make plans to attend our 50th reunion in beautiful Reno, NV.
Who are we looking for?
The Class of '74, of course! But who else?
We'd also welcome friends of the Class of '74
along with......
... The Cheerleaders, Band, Jocks, Yearbook Staff, Pep Club, Letterman Club, Girls League, F.H.A. (Future Homemakers of America), The Cool Kids, The not so Cool Kids (that later found out that they WERE cool), Bookworms, Brainiacs, Drill Team, Foreign Language Club, Speech and Theater, Those that did not belong to any student activity, Creative Writing Club, Journalism Club, Deca, A.S.B, C.S.F. Black Orpheus, Those that kept on trucking, Those that just hung in there, Siblings, Staff and Faculty. In short, ANYONE who was part of our journey.
Let's face it, it's been 50 years and we've scattered to the four winds. If you haven't talked to anyone in our class lately, or you know where someone is, we'd really like to know. To keep in the loop, click the Contact Organizer (bottom of page) and give us your info (number of people etc.). We'll make sure you don't miss a thing!
Click Here to Reserve Your Room
Use EVENT CODE: TNEWB when booking.
So what are we going to do?
Wednesday, September 11
6:00pm - Meet & Greet - no host bar, light hors d'ouvres
Thursday, September 12
10:30am - Driving Range Tournament
6:00pm - Dinner Dance - dinner, dancing, DJ
Friday, September 13
Optional Lake Tahoe lunch Cruise (information to follow for those who sign up for the reunion)
Cruise beautiful Lake Tahoe on the MS Dixie, the storied queen of Tahoe cruise ships!
Follow this link to purchase tickets: https://www.zephyrcove.com/lake-tahoe-cruises/daytime-scenic-cruises/
Please make sure you purchase tickets for the noon cruise on September 13th!
Please join us at The Grand Sierra Resort the top Resort in Nevada and Central / Northern California
RV'ers! The Grand Sierra Resort has an excellent RV Park, and you don't need to wait. You can book your RV space now! CLICK HERE
This event is being organized by the Class of 1974 Reunion Committee:
Kherna Shipp
Jim Andrews
Jeff Bock
Dona Dunlap
David Zybert