
Help us to build this page by submitting your favorite stories, memories, and experiences from high school.

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Dawn armstrong

Posted on the 2023-04-05 at 22:48
My memories of seabreeze- cheerleaders cheering from the roof of the hallways, toga day, playing backgammon during lunch with Kathy ford, walking to McDonald’s and managing to get lunch in 30 minutes with 100 other people. Lol. Going to see ghandhi and then having a sit in to refuse an exam on grapes of wrath in doc carlins class, hearing his booming voice trying to outdo the mrs Aldrich’s voice next door, or terrorizing the new freshman when they came to get a student. Or spending 3 weeks doing haiku’s in a competition against his wife. Mr Chaffee. Mrs cordaro. Finally beating Mainland in football senior year. Being one of the top soccer teams in the state, cheering as a soccerette. Buying a ticket to a basketball game, then leaving school early. Going to the medieval fair. Annie get your gun. Doing a petition to make sure “ we don’t need no education” wasn’t the class song. So many great memories!

Dawn armstrong

Posted on the 2023-04-05 at 22:37
Spanish state competition

Dawn armstrong

Posted on the 2023-04-05 at 22:37
Spanish state competition

Dawn armstrong

Posted on the 2023-04-05 at 22:36
Spanish state competition