Starlight Insurance Gala Campaign

1. 50|50 Draw – NOW CLOSED! 50% to Starlight. 50% to you. 100% worth it. One lucky participant walks away with half of the Prize Pot, while the other half goes to Starlight Canada's hospital to home programs that bring smiles to seriously ill children and their families. Congratulations to our lucky winner and thank you to all who participated in helping us raise $4,400!



2. Calendar Raffle NOW CLOSED! For each day in May, a winner is drawn for the prize of the day valued at a minimum of $250. That’s 31 winners! Thanks to people like you, our Calendar Raffle raised an astonishing $33,777 in support of Starlight Canada!



3. Golf Day NOW CLOSED! With the support of the insurance industry, our first-ever golf day on August 10th at the Lebovic Golf Club raised almost $40,000 to help brighten the lives of seriously ill children and their families! Check out all of our wonderful sponsors and foursomes here!



4. Grand Finale – Coming This November! A virtual celebration of the difference we have made together as an industry, thanks to people like you. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about this exciting virtual initiative that will include a raffle, silent auction, wish sponsorship opportunities, and a grand reveal of our total raised in 2021!



Follow us on Instagram at @starlightinsurancegala for ongoing updates and exciting announcements!


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About the organizer

Starlight Children’s Foundation® Canada has been dedicated to brightening the lives of seriously ill children and their families for over 30 years. In these times of COVID-19, we have quickly adapted and launched emergency response programs to continue to offer support during our children’s isolation. Focusing on the family as a whole, our mission is to bring joy, laughter, relief and a whole lot of smiles. Our large variety of in-hospital and outpatient programs help bring back some strength, hope and lost childhood by being that reliable and shining star in a dark and stormy sky.

What makes Starlight Canada unique is that we are there for the entire journey — from hospital to home.

While in-hospital, Starlight Canada gives kids a much-needed distraction from the stress and boredom of hospitalization. From toys to the latest technology to full-blown parties, we replace that fear and loneliness with fun and excitement! With more restrictions on hospital protocols during the pandemic, our newest Play From Hospital Program gives each child their own entertainment pack to assist with infection control. While out-of-hospital, we’re granting wishes of all sizes with our Day Brightener Wishes, Great Escapes® Wishes, Once In A Lifetime Wishes, and most recently, our Play From Home Programs, to make sure Starlight families always have a reason to believe in magic.


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