List of Classmates We Have Not Heard From


Below are classmates that we have not heard from.   We know that we don't have correction contact information for some of them.  If you can help us reach any of them, please go to the menu in the upper right corner of this page, click on the Contact button, and let us know who you are in contact with and how to reach him/her.  


This page will be updated as we receive new information so be sure to check back often.





Barth Kathy
Bateman Mitchell
Border Grieg
Border Joe
Bowermeister Terry
Bowling Jack
Boyd Evelyn
Brant Larry
Butler Richard
Butt Rogers Sharon
Callahan Marena
Capaldo John
Clancy Howard
Clinard Stanley
Coleman Anthony
Collins Danny
Coon Edward
Cooney Bob
Dando Scott
Daugherty Elkins Pam
Day Matthew
Dermer Schulte Debra
Dews Jarrette
Drake Stephen
Dyke Michael
Egler Joyce
Fillers Kenneth "Ted"
Focht Morabito Gail
Fries David
Gaul Barbara
Gentry Vance Alice
Goodrich David
Graham Debbie
Groesbeck Nunley Judy
Hamm Marcheski Karrol
Harbut Karmen
Harr Marvin
Harris Dixon  Vickie
Henson Ernestine (Tina)
Hicks Hamilton Debarha "Debbie"
Hildebrand Prosser Scherry
Hill Hollingsworth Deborah "Debbie"
Hines Laymaster Sharon
Hixson   Steve
Hocfbaum Jerry
Hock Covill Mary
Houk Bob
Hubbard Metzger Dianna
Hudson Mary
Humston Carr Michele
Hurley Debra
Hurst Billie
Jamison Young Carol
Javins Velda
Kennard Kingston Merrie
Kennedy Donald
Kerby David
Key James
Kifle Ben
King Elkins Sherry
Koesters Mark
Kraft Stephen
Lawson Larry
Laymaster Larry
Lewis Finley Sharon
Marcum Gary
McDowell Alvert
McKissie Whitfield Jennifer
McLain William
McQuality Planner Diana
Miles Brenda
Moeller Joseph
Monday Michael "Mike"
Morris Doug
Mosley Carl
Mueller Michael
Munir Ahmed
Neff Rick
Newton Kathy
Nunn Peter
Owens David
Pace Benjamin
Pendergrass Douglas
Penny John
Peters Burnside Erla
Pigg Adcox Carol
Pittman Joseph
Pitts Michael
Poston Clark Barb 
Raymond Gentry  Serena
Rice David
Shackleford  Tyler Sue
Shelton Carl 
Simmons Sherrie
Sisson James
Slack Cheryl
Smith Luther
Smith Naff Kathleen
Stachler Mathes Lynn
Stamper Steven
Steinbrugge James
Stevens David
Stukenborg Greg
Wagner Coleman Janice
Walton Fillmore Deborah "Debe"
Ward Judy
Watkins Doug
Waugh Pamela
Weaver Phillip
Weiss France Rita
Westendorf Kenneth
Wikoff Gambill Shauna
Williams Kathy
Williams Moorehead Renette
Wilson Fritz Carlene
Wilson Gerlaugh Elvetia "Gwyn"