
You can help cover the administrative costs of our reunion committee, including advertisements, decorations, and facility fees, with your donations. Your contributions will help keep admission costs for attendees as low as possible, ensuring that all our classmates can join in the festivities. Any donation, big or small, will help create an unforgettable reunion experience and create memories of a lifetime. And whatever we don't use, we plan to donate to Seaside High in the name of SHS Class of 1974!

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support!

Want to Donate?

Venmo donation is received by Claudia Tucker

 FBO Seaside High Class of 1974

Thank you again!


Anonymous  -  $200 (6/26/23)

Anonymous - $500 (6/30/23)

Anonymous - $500 (6/30/23)

Anonymous - $1750 (7/10/23)

Anonymous  - $50 (7/27/23)

Anonymous  - $150 (4/25/24)