Order Your Reunion Memories Package

The St. Joe’s Class of 1974 50th Reunion Committee is happy to announce that a special digital Reunion Memories Package is now available for sale.  This package is a compilation of memories of our 50th Reunion weekend.  The package includes:


·        The four-hour music compilation that played throughout our reunion weekend.  The compilation also includes recorded soundbites from various classmates about their four years as a Viking.

·        The slide show of all of our class memories and the special slides memorializing our deceased Viking brothers that rotated throughout our reunion weekend.

·        A digital copy of the reunion booklet titled “Radican,” Al McDonald's collection of humorous and irreverent stanzas and sketches of our time at St. Joe's.

·        Copies of the National, Local and School events that were captured on our reunion website.

·        A slide show presentation of our 50th reunion photos that have been uploaded from many attendees onto the reunion website.

·        Special add-on songs “39-B” from Paranoid Larry (a song about the Lakeshore bus that drove past SJHS) and “Looking Back” from the Rick Ray Band, Rick Schultz’ song about Euclid Beach Park.  The song "39-B" features drums by our own Anton Fier.


This package is being offered for sale for two reasons.  The first is providing a reunion keepsake for all of our attendees.  The second is that net of the cost of the memory sticks, bubble mailers and postage, all of the proceeds will go to VASJ.  Our class is directing those funds to help the school digitize ALL of the yearbooks of St. Joseph High School from its opening in 1950 until the merger with VA in 1990.  


The cost of the reunion package is $100.  You can order your 50th Reunion Package on this page.  Orders will be processed daily.  Shipping will be through normal USPS timelines.  VASJ is assisting us in fulfillment.  Note that the school is closed beginning Friday, December 20 until January 6, 2025.  Orders will be compiled during this time and shipped upon the reopening of school.


Order your 50th Reunion Memories Package and relive the great memories of our weekend together!