Martial Rules of the List
Rule Zero
All Armistice combat systems are based on an honor system and a culture based on trying to ensure your opponent’s good time. We are not here to squeeze minor advantage from perceived rules loopholes, nor steal our opponent’s victories on technicalities. If, at any point, you find yourself tempted to stretch a rule to an obscene level, or try to linguistically dismantle a technical point, just stop. If you are busy arguing about what should be a simple rule, then you are clearly not furthering your opponent’s good time, murdering your friends with foam, maneuvering cleverly, or dying epically. These are pretty much the only valid actions on the field of battle.
In all aspects of Armistice, Rule Zero (and common sense) will supersede loopholes. In applying the rules, safety comes first, followed by courtesy, playability, then "realism." Please read the rules thoroughly (several times is recommended). The rules are written to be self-explanatory, clear, and detailed, but not every angle of every situation can be covered. Often a rule is clarified later in the same (or subsequent) paragraph. Loopholes will not even be considered by the Marshals (referees), check-in personnel, officials, or other players.
- All combatants shall be on their best and most chivalrous behavior. They shall be charitable with the assumptions of their opponents and fight for honor and comradery above victory. They shall not be base, common, and churlish of act in a manner villainous.
- None may be compelled to compete at arms against their will or conscience. And none shall think evil of it should one decline to test themselves for any reason nor shall explanation be required.
- All those testing their skill at arms may only use weapons and arms approved by the marshalate and bear no weapon of sharp edge that might draw blood or wound grievous on their honored foe. Weapons shall be used only in the manner of their design. A marshal may remove any weapon they feel may pose a threat to the safety of combatants.
- A Marshal of the field may remove any combatant they deem dangerous to themselves or others at any time. Or a combatant that behaves in a manner unbecoming Chivalry, toward the assembled masses, gallery or their honorable opponent.
- Unless otherwise agreed upon only melee weapons may be brought into the list. Brawling with the limbs and fists is not allowed, and no strike may be delivered with the hand, foot or other part of the body.
- All combatants acting according to their own will assume that they may be stuck and injured in combat and the exercise of arms , they shall be responsible and assume unto themselves all risk and liability for harm suffered by means of such combat. They shall honor their opponent with their greatest effort and most noble behavior.
- None shall engage in combat unless and until their arms and armor has been inspected by an official of the field of combat and satisfied that the equipment appears to meet the requirements for combat.
- None may test themselves upon the field of combat if they are impaired by alcohol, strong drink, or substances of illicit nature, or prescription medication that have deleterious effect in judgment or the ability to feel pain or otherwise alter the fighter in question as to be a danger to themselves or others. To do so poses a danger to all.
Conventions of Combat
All traditional armored combat at tourneys, wars, and other events shall be conducted in accordance with these rules of the lists , these conventions of Combat, and such arms and armor as outlined in weapons and armor requirements.
All fighters, prior to combat at each and every event or fighting practice, shall ensure that their armor and weapons are inspected and found to be acceptable by the marshal. The combatant shall still accept full responsibility for the conditions of their arms and armor and assume the responsibility of their own safety.
Behavior on the Field
- Striking an opponent with excessive force is forbidden.
- All combatants shall obey the orders of the marshals on the field. If combatants do not obey they shall be removed from the field and subject to disciplinary action.
- Each combatant shall maintain control over their anger or frustration and are expected to act like adults of reason and noble bearing.
- Upon hearing the call of “HOLD” all fighting shall IMMEDIATELY stop. Combatants shall freeze in place and only move to protect themselves or another from injury.
- Harsh disparaging or disrespectful language personal insults and degradation are unchivalrous, and will not be allowed upon the field. Disputes shall be resolved with civility through the marshal, and like persons of honor.
- A combatant shall not deliberately strike a helpless foe, ever.
- Conversely, any combatant who seeks unfair advantage by repeatedly feigning helplessness after being duly warned by the marshal, may be forced to yield the fight at the next occurrence, or removed from the field for unchivalrous behavior.
- Grappling, tripping, throwing, biting, eye gouging, striking with the hands or feet, or otherwise fighting with implements other than the agreed upon arms of contest, are prohibited.
- A combatant who deliberately strikes a foe’s head, limbs, or body with a shield edge, with intent to cause injury or the weapon haft, or any part of the body is forbidden. The striking surface of a weapon shall be the only section used and any blow delivered upon the body by an illegitimate striking surface shall also be ignored. As well as striking deliberately in a forbidden target area is expressly not allowed.
- Grabbing with the hand a foe’s, shield, weapon’s striking surface, or bow/crossbow is likewise forbidden.