Marital status:
Administrative Assistant
For the last 18 ½ years, I have worked at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC, currently as the Assistant to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. I love what I do and enjoy the people I work with, which is why I haven’t retired yet. Almost 20 years ago, I met my soon-to-be second husband. I have 3 children (living in Boston, MA, Indianapolis, IN, Sacramento, CA), 3 step children (living in Auburn, NY and Greensboro, NC), 2 grandchildren and 2 step grandchildren. Since graduation, I’ve held several different jobs, ranging from retail, pharmacy technician, insurance agent, administrative assistant, bookkeeper and wine consultant. We have 3 antique cars: 1947 Ford, 1941 Ford and 1968 Ford Torino GT convertible and enjoy taking day trips around the area. I’ve moved 12 times between NY, FL, NJ and NC. We live in a small town about 30 miles outside of Charlotte, NC on almost 5 acres of land. We cut trees and primarily heat our house in the winter by a wood stove. Sounds very rustic, but it isn’t, really (Walmart is only 8 miles away)! We’re excited to hear there will be a Wegmans opening in Charlotte in a couple years, so the place is getting more like home.
Two Truths and a Lie - Tell us three things you've done since graduation ... but ONE of which is a LIE! At our dinner party your old friends and classmates will have fun guessing which one is the lie:
While working retail, a customer tried to purchase something with a stolen credit card. When I called the bank for an authorization number, the customer became impatient. He pinned me to the wall in the effort to get the stolen card back. Meanwhile, the security guards and police showed, there was a struggle, the customer knocked the gun from the police holster and ripped the phone out of the wall. Police finally was able to get the guy in handcuffs and take him off to jail. I pressed charges and got $50 for retrieving the stolen credit card. THIS IS TRUE!
While camping in the Adirondacks, I heard our cooler being dragged down a path in the woods in the middle of the night. Not thinking, and not having my contacts or eyeglasses on, I came out of the tent and ran down the path to confront what I thought was another camper stealing our food. I got a few feet from the thief, and stopped dead in my tracks. It was a bear taking our cooler. It was so dark, I could only smell his breath and see a dark outline of his body. He took off, I grabbed the cooler and locked it in the trunk of the car and went back to bed. In the morning we found out he only got the bag of Milky Way bars from the top of the food in the cooler. THIS IS TRUE!
Another time while camping, we decided to go on a hike before dinner with the kids. We took the wrong path, and found ourselves completely lost. No one around to ask for help, we attempted to make our way back the way we came, but that seemed to make matters even worse. It was getting dark, and we had to come to the realization that we just may have no choice but to find shelter for the night and try again in the morning. We took a break, settled our nerves down for several minutes, and tried again. By now it was very dark, but somehow, we found the right path and finally made our way back to our tent before midnight. THIS IS A LIE!