Guest Book
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Matthew Syzek
Posted on the 2023-08-12 at 23:58
Reports of my early demise were close but now seem greatly exaggerated. Looking forward to reconnecting with you all, and to see some of the folks who walked with me through the shadow of the valley of death. So happy to be coming, bringing my lovely wife, and seeing what was home for such a long time. Let’s bring our memories, share our hearts with each other and show our gratitude for one of the best high school classes I’ve come across. See you soon! Also - any Friends of Bill, please get in touch for the meeting time. Syzek 303-263-3391
Lisa Meister Rismiller
Posted on the 2023-07-08 at 09:32
So excited to see all of you again in September! Amazing to see how our Centerville have changed while our old strongholds remain constant! Hoping to see some of you that haven’t been to a reunion in a while or never have been—the 40th will be awesome—feels like we pick up right where we left off! See you all soon! #ElkPride
Kelli Sue Malcolm
Posted on the 2023-06-25 at 15:39
Can't wait to see all our classmates at the Reunion on September 8th and 9th! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out at kellisuemalcolmatgmaildotcom or 765.623.0251. Looking forward to being together soon! #ElkPride