Sell Tickets To Your Class Reunion

Give us a try. It's free!

We Make Selling Tickets Easy

Sell tickets right on your class reunion website.

Sell Tickets

Easily sell tickets and register your classmates right on your class reunion site. You can accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discover.

Customized Tickets

Add custom fields to your reunion tickets and limit the number of tickets to sell.

Track Tickets in Real Time

Monitor class reunion ticket transactions in real time and export data reports.

Promote Your Reunion

Promote your reunion through social media using tools built right into your website.

Get Paid Easily

Choose how to receive your funds, whether by direct deposit or check.

Deal With One Company

We're a payment facilitator, so no PayPal or other merchant account needed.

What Our Clients Say

Why MyEvent?

Best Rates

We offer the best rates in the industry for web hosting and credit card processing.

Safe & Secure

We are a PCI compliant payment processor, online since 2002 and we use modern, secure payment encryption technology.

Fast & Easy Set Up

Sign up for free and start building your reunion site in minutes. It's so easy to use our platform, anyone can do it.

Toll Free Phone Support

We offer toll free phone support, Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm EST.


One Stop Shop

Easily make your reunion site with built-in features to sell tickets, register your classmates and accept payments all with one company.


22 Years Online

Since 2002 we've helped thousands of classmates reunite and stay in touch through our websites.

Try it free for 7 days

Get Started
No credit card needed.
Need Help?
Please contact our support team toll free at 1.877.769.3836. - Events Made Easy
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