Conley Family Reunion 2024
You are cordially invited to attend the 2024 Conley Family Reunion. We have a variety of activities planned throughout the weekend. Come enjoy food, family, and fun as we celebrate our heritage.
Registration for the family reunion is $50 per adult $20 for ages 10-18. Children under 10 are free but should still register. You may also purchase T-shirts for an additional $15 for adults sizes S-L, $20 for sizes XL and up and $10 for all youth sizes. If purchased through this website there will be a processing fee. Ways to pay are by clicking the buy tickets button on the home page, by cashap @ $ConleyReunion or you may arrange to meet and pay with cash. Please do not send cash via mail.
This will be a 3-Day event kicking off Friday night May 24th with the meet and greet at 6:00 pm to 10:00pm. Saturday picnic from 10:30 am to 2:30pm. Saturday night family banquet from 6:30 pm until 10:00 pm. The meet and greet, picnic, as well as the banquet will be at held at the Stone Links Clubhouse. Address is posted below. Sunday we will attend church followed by lunch at a location that's not yet determined. Sunday lunch after church is not included in the registration fee and each guest will be responsible for their own meal and beverages for Sunday only.
Follow and like us on Facebook for updates and information @ Conley Family Reunion | Little Rock AR | Facebook
Cant wait to see you there!