Things to Consider at the Event
The main purpose of your family reunion is to get acquainted with those you have not seen for a long time or with those who you have never met before. When deciding which activities and entertainment you want at your family reunion, you should keep in mind that you want the event to be fun and encourage interaction amongst family members. You should try to plan activities where family members do things together, a large number of people can participate, and that it will be enjoyed by all ages.

Deciding on the appropriate activities and entertainment must be done considering what is best for all or offering various options that may appeal to different age groups. Ideally, you should start planning which activities you want to have at your reunion 6-9 months prior, as you may need to book entertainment such as a photographer, DJ or videographer, and you may need to rent equipment for certain activities and games. Your location choice may play a role in the type of activities or entertainment you can have. For example, having a slideshow playing continuously in the background displaying then and now pictures will be very enjoyable for your relatives to watch, however cannot be utilized if your reunion is taking place at a campsite or amusement park. If you have the budget for it, hiring a photographer and/or videographer is a great way to preserve memories. This will allow you to share with those who could not attend and be good for sharing stories and history with future generations.

Having a bunch of people together who do not know each other may be awkward and uncomfortable, therefore the best and most fun way to encourage interaction amongst relatives is by having icebreakers, as well as games and activities that have relatives participating together.

TIP: Come up with activities that involve getting to know and learning about one another. You should also have name tags to make it easier for everyone to learn each other’s names.

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