New Ferris HS Tours

Ferris Class of 1974 School Tour

Saturday, June 22

11:00 am to 1:00 pm


Access from East 37th Avenue; park near the gym entrance (east side of the building).

Guided walking tours of the building will start inside the gym entrance every 30 minutes: approx. 11:00 am, 11:30 am, 12:00 noon and 12:30 pm.


Please sign in, get a name tag, and wait for tour guides to escort you through the building.


While you wait, enjoy visiting with classmates and writing a “Teacher Tribute” to remember and honor one of your favorite Ferris teachers. These will be displayed at Center Place on Saturday evening.

Win a free Ferris T-Shirt, Cap or Bumper Sticker in the Gym during Tours!