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The Family History of Ed Walton Husdon, Cora Ann Smith and Flora Mccune
Ed Walton Hudson was united in marriage to Cora Ann Smith in the late 1800's. To this union, seven children were born:
Lucille, Hattie, Rosanna, Charlie, Walton, Ruthie Mae and Delia Mae. 


Lucille married David Paulk and to this union 3 children were born. Hattie married Willie Haynes and to this union 3 children were born. Rosanna married Bertha Farris and to this union no children were born. Bertha later adopted Rosanna's child Rosa. Charlie married Lucille and to this union one child was born. He later married Elizabeth and to this union 3 children were born. Walton married Willie Jane and to this union 1 child was adopted. Ruthie married Alga and to this union 11 children were born. Delia Mae (Doll) was never married and she had no children.
After the death of Cora Ann Hudson, Ed Walton Hudson married Flora McCune. To this union 1 child was born, Anna Jane Hudson. To Anna, 9 children were born.
The Hudson - Smith Family, was defined as the full account of the past and the preservation of it's history.


The Family History of Leroy Smith and Beatrice Murray
Leroy Smith was the brother of Cora Ann Smith. Leroy Smith was united in marriage to Beatrice Murray in the late 1800's. To this union 4 children were born.  Jimmie Glen, Tommie Lee, Johnnie Lee and Cora B
After the death of Cora Ann Smith, some of the Hudson children went to live with their uncle and aunt, Leroy and Beatrice. So they were raised together as brothers and sisters. 




The Family History of Johnnie Hudson Shell
Johnnie Hudson Shell was the sister of Ed Walton Hudson. She had one child, Henry Shell
Henry Shell was married to Carrier Jackson. To this union, one child was born. Gladys Shell



We Are So Thankful For Our Family !