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CHAMPION LEVEL ($1000.00 or more) Company name/logo on SPCA shelter sign Company name/logo posted on fundraising website Companyname on *event T-shirt Company name/logo posted along event route Company name mentioned at event BEST OF BREED LEVEL ($250.00 - $499.00) Company name/logo posted on fundraising website Company name/logo posted along event route BEST OF SHOW LEVEL ($500.00 - $999.00) Company name/logo posted on fundraising website Companyname on *event T-shirt Company name/logo posted along event route Company name mentioned at event BEST OF WINNERS ($100.00) Company name/logo posted on fundraising website
Fillable Sponsor Form Would you like to become a sponsor? Select one Champion Level - $1000.00 or more Best of Show Level - $500.00 - $999.00 Best of Breed Level- $250.00 - $499 Best of Winners Level -$100.00 Please include your contact information - include company name as you would like it to appear on event information * Enter your first name * Enter your last name * Enter your email * Submit
31 donations have been made to this site. $100.00 Cate Whitridge & Dave Alberts $2,000.00 Jodi Nunnari $500.00 Robert and Janelle Jolley $1,000.00 MJ Nealon $35.00 Nancy Cunningham $40.00 Kathleen Dawley $250.00 Gillespie's Abbey Carpet and Floor $100.00 Lori Blevins $50.00 Rick, Jenn, Faith & Cairo Zinn $100.00 Wayne Rossmiller $40.00 Corinne Figueira $50.00 Lucinda Martin 1 2 3
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