Donate to a participant

To donate to a participant or team, search for a name below and click to donate.


Power Plays


At any time, you can use your donation to impact the game with a Power Play!


To purchase a Power Play, choose one from the menu below and either:


A) Complete the form on the general donation page, or the form on a specific participant's page and use the comments to specify which Power Play you want and who it should be applied to.


or B) Send the amount for the Power Play through Venmo to @jen-manning-2 and include the details in the description.

(Response times will likely be quicker through Venmo)


  • MONEY PUCK - makes the next goal worth 5 goals ($25)
  • MAJOR - Sends a player you choose to the penalty box for 5 minutes - and gives the other team a 5 minute power play ($25)
  • LITTLE STICK - requires player you choose to play with a kids stick for 5 shifts ($25)
  • PENALTY SHOT - donor chooses a skater to take a penalty shot. If player scores, their team gets the goal. If the goalie stops it, the goalie's team is awarded the goal ($50)
  • SQUIRT GUN - one team gets a squirt gun to keep on the bench for 5 minutes. Shoot the puck to slow it down or bother opposing players ($50)
  • LONG SHOT - donor chooses a player to take a full length of the ice shot, if the player makes it, their team gets 5 goals, if they miss, the other team gets 1 goal ($50)
  • SHOOTOUT - the 5 skaters currently on the ice for each team must compete in a shootout. Each goal counts for your team ($75)
  • DUELING GOALIES - skaters take a knee. Goalies play 1-on-1 until one of them scores ($75)
  • BACKWARD - everyone on the ice has to skate backward for 2 minutes ($100)
Jacob Baxter
Total raised $27.00
Matthew Bishop
Total raised $230.00
Adam Brimer
Total raised $325.00
Team Castor
Total raised $560.00
Robert Crouch
Total raised $0.00
Tobias Dailey
Total raised $0.00
Dan Gilfrich
Total raised $445.00
Sean Hobson
Total raised $275.00
Brannen Kerbo
Total raised $490.00
Justin & Henry Lucas
Total raised $486.00
Baron Medlen
Total raised $100.00