See everyone at The Cove tonight at 6:00 PM!

Ticket sales for the Cox Class of '74 50th Reunion to be held on Saturday, September 21st ends at 11:59 PM tomorrow night (Friday, September 13th). Please reach out to any classmate that you know hasn't and pass the word. Thanks, and we'll see you at The Cove on the 21st!

Please mark Saturday, September 21, 2024 in your calendars, to reunite and take a once-in-a-lifetime lighthearted journey back in time. Can you believe it's been 50 Years?

Planning is underway, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!


Your Planning Committee Co-chairs:

Jim Basnight |
Rob Waddell  |  
Sharon Roberson Boudreau  |
Rick Rowland |
Visitors: 8055

Important Notes:

  • Visit the MENU at the top right or bottom center of any page for Registration, Tickets, Memories, Photos, and more.
  • This website is best viewed on a desktop, laptop, or tablet for the best experience.

First, please add your profile on the CLASSMATES page. We've created a communications hub as a way of promoting classwide enthusiasm, allowing you to start connecting with old friends and new, even if you are unable to attend.

Second, join Facebook's " Frank W. Cox High School Class of 1974 and Friends " group page!

And, finally, visit this site often as new elements will be added as we move closer to the "best Falcon reunion of all time"!

Frank W. Cox High School Class of 1974 50th Reunion


"The Cove" (Directly behind Francis Asbury United Methodist Church and across Great Neck Rd. from John B. Dey Elementary.)

September 21st, 2024

6:00pm EDT

1871 North Great Neck Road,
Virginia Beach, VA, US, 23454