The "old" Salisbury Mall

Our class was special and the years we spent at school was a unique time in history: 1981 - 1985

This page is dedicated to popular culture of the time. Go back in time with; Music, TV, Movies, Sports, Fashion, Technology, Politics, Personalities and more.


We are still working on this ... stay tuned...

1985 -- As the spread of aids increases Governments round the world start screening Blood donations for AIDS.

On the technology front the first .com is registered and the first version of Windows is released Ver 1.0 .

Terrorists continue to perform acts of terrorism including the hijack of TWA Flight 847 and the Italian Cruise Liner "Achille Lauro ".

Famine in Ethiopia is shown more on TV News and Live Aid concerts around the world raise many millions to help the starving in Africa and the pop industry in US joins together to sing "We Are The World". 

Windows 1.0 came out in 1985
Windows 1.0 came out in 1985

Cost of Living 1985:

Yearly Inflation Rate USA 3.55% 
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 1546 
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 10.75% 
Average Cost of new house $89,330.00 
Average Income per year $22,100.00 
Average Monthly Rent $375.00 
Average Price for new car $9,005.00 
1 gallon of gas $1.09 
Movie Ticket $2.75 
US Postage Stamp 22 cents 
Bacon per pound $1.65 


Remember the
Remember the "old" civic center burning down?
Popular arcade
Popular arcade
I think Flipper Arcade was AFTER Golden Dome arcade?
I think Flipper Arcade was AFTER Golden Dome arcade?