This page is for sharing old photos from the 80's

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Various yearbook photos
Various yearbook photos
Various yearbook photos
Various yearbook photos
Various yearbook photos
Various yearbook photos
Various yearbook photos
Various yearbook photos
Yes, this still exists out in AZ!  Who could possibly forget these?
Pictures from Senior Year 1985
Senior Year 1985
Senior Year 1985

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Doung Johnson, Jeff Arington (??), Mark Outten, Jeff Shipp, Alan Morris, Michael Reddish, Rusty Savage, David Ziara
Doung Johnson, Jeff Arington (??), Mark Outten, Jeff Shipp, Alan Morris, Michael Reddish, Rusty Savage, David Ziara
Sorry it's blurry-- I tried. Here are some of the people-- look closely-- Bryan Hensley, Terri White, Mark Munafo, Ryan Owens, Scott Wynn, Kim Bounds, Wendy Wilson. It's Mrs. Evan's Spanish IV class
Sorry it's blurry-- I tried. Here are some of the people-- look closely-- Bryan Hensley, Terri White, Mark Munafo, Ryan Owens, Scott Wynn, Kim Bounds, Wendy Wilson. It's Mrs. Evan's Spanish IV class
Homeroom-- the end of the alphabet-- Wendy Wilson, Larry Williams and Gene Wiley
Homeroom-- the end of the alphabet-- Wendy Wilson, Larry Williams and Gene Wiley
Tiffanie Zullo and Jeff Grizzel-- Post YOUR prom pics!
Tiffanie Zullo and Jeff Grizzel-- Post YOUR prom pics!
My car in 1985, a 75 Chevy Vega; it was a tank!  What did YOU drive?
My car in 1985, a 75 Chevy Vega; it was a tank! What did YOU drive?