If you haven't created a profile already, please follow the directions below:
Create your profile. Under the Menu on the top right of this page, select Classmates and then fill in as much as you like. If you're retired, let us know what you retired from. Please provide your best email address so we can continue to update you about the reunion.
Check the "We Need Your Help" page to see if you know where our "missing" classmates are. If you are in touch with someone on the list, please forward the link for the website to them directly or send their email address to SAV73Reunion@gmail.com.
Please visit the rest of the site too. Just use the Menu on the top right. You can add memories, tributes, or photos.
Happy Birthday Class of '73
Whether you're turning 70 in 2025 or not, join us for our class birthday party.
For more information see the 70th Birthday Party page.